Divorce Daddy Membership


If you’re reading this, you’re already familiar with my work and are considering joining in this “Divorce Daddy Membership”

If you’re brand new to my work, this letter is not the best way to get to know me and my philosophy.

I’d suggest starting with:

To be clear, the Divorce Daddy Membership is a new offering. However, this is something that’s been percolating since my divorce 10 years ago.

What’s included in the membership?

  • You’re in the aftermath of  a divorce and you are not sure which way to turn. This event, it washed over you, seemingly coming from nowhere and you’re left devastated wondering what even happened.
  • You love your kids and would do anything for them. You know they’re the ones hurt most of all in this ugliness and you want to spare them as much pain as you can. You don’t have to see them every day to be a great dad. It’s about quality over quantity.
  • You are open to doing the difficult inner work. Divorce is a war fought on many fronts, and you’re probably losing in the emotional front. Learning to be non-reactive to the onslaught is a huge advantage.
  • You might be stuck on the couch unable to move forward with your life. Not for a lack of trying, but because you don’t know where to go from here. You might have thought you did things right the first time. You followed the instructions on the box, but instead of a delicious cake, you ended up with an ugly ball of resentment that’s eating up all of your time, attention, and money.
  • Most important, you’re ready to move on. Enough is enough. This situation has consumed enough of your life and you’re tired of missing out on grand adventures.

The membership might be a good fit if…

  • You’re in the aftermath of  a divorce and you are not sure which way to turn. This event, it washed over you, seemingly coming from nowhere and you’re left devastated wondering what even happened.
  • You love your kids and would do anything for them. You know they’re the ones hurt most of all in this ugliness and you want to spare them as much pain as you can. You don’t have to see them every day to be a great dad. It’s about quality over quantity.
  • You are open to doing the difficult inner work. Divorce is a war fought on many fronts, and you’re probably losing in the emotional front. Learning to be non-reactive to the onslaught is a huge advantage.
  • You might be stuck on the couch unable to move forward with your life. Not for a lack of trying, but because you don’t know where to go from here. You might have thought you did things right the first time. You followed the instructions on the box, but instead of a delicious cake, you ended up with an ugly ball of resentment that’s eating up all of your time, attention, and money.
  • Most important, you’re ready to move on. Enough is enough. This situation has consumed enough of your life and you’re tired of missing out on grand adventures.

The membership might not be a good fit if…

  • You need instant results.

  • You don’t have the time to engage in this. Consider three hours per week the bare minimum commitment to make this worthwhile.

  • You’re expecting 1:1 coaching or handholding.

  • You have a habit of signing up for these things and not using them.

  • If you’re a fundamentalist, or you’ve bought into gender-based dogma of any persuasion.

  • You subscribe to The Red Pill, or its derivatives. It may have served its purpose in your story, but its time to move on now.

Still Not Sure About $49 USD/Month?

No worries.

Here are some free or low cost, risk and commitment ways to dig in:


Q: “What time are the calls with Jeff”

Coaching calls are 90 minutes long and held at 1pm (EDT) every Thursday.
I may have to miss some and you may have to miss some too but I will make up for them with additional sessions.

Q: “How much time will you be spending in the Membership Program”

When I’m not travelling, I spend at least 60 minutes a day, five days a week on average. My goal for all of us is to spend as little time in the Membership as we can muster. I’d love this to be such a well organized resource that you can go in, get what you need and get out. None of us need any more screen time.

Q: “How will information in the membership not overwhelm and instead support with accountability, motivation and inspiration?”

ANSWER: A fine question. Let’s take these a piece at a time:

OVERWHELM: All of the content has been divided into clear collections with the content sequenced in the most logical order. The year is divided into four semesters. Every month includes a number of different live support calls for you to attend. Each week you have at least one live call with me. You’ll receive advance notice on (and a discount for) one-on-one coaching with me. And you can DM me anytime in the Membership’s chat system. We’ll do everything we can to help you find what you need when you need it.

ACCOUNTABILITY: That will likely be very low here in this program. You’re welcome to find your own accountability buddies in other members, and during the semesters we encourage people to form work Pods to keep each other connected and accountable. So really it’s on you to create the accountability that you need, with like-minded people.

MOTIVATION: That is not something I plan to help you with. This  Membership is not for unmotivated people. 

INSPIRATION: In some ways, this is similar to motivation but I will that being in a community of dozens of other like minded fathers will likely be inspiring.

Q: “What is the account cancellation policy?”

A: You can cancel your subscription at any time. 

PLEASE NOTE: We do not provide pro-rated refunds.

Q: I can’t afford the $49 USD per month. Are there any discounted rates available?

A: I hear you. I’ve certainly been there myself when the money was tight. There’s no lower rate on this. If anything the price will be going up soon as $49 is the introductory rate.