The Tenets of Divorce

The world is starved for true father energy. You are needed. Not just by your kids, but by a world that has lost its way.

The man you want to be is on the other side of your darkness. Anger, grief, and regret are all fuel. You have to know how to burn it right.

Divorce is war. The war is within. Win that war, and you win everything else.

Put your oxygen mask on first. You can’t lead, love, or rebuild if you’re suffocating.

Winning at divorce happens outside the courtroom. The legal system won’t give you peace. That’s an inside job.

Take full responsibility for everything. No more blame. No more victimhood. Own it all.

The crop a relationship bears is more than children. It grows men, women, societies, and shapes human nature.

A man shows his love through sacrifice. But sacrifice without meaning is slow poison.

A father’s presence in his children’s lives is objectively beneficial. You matter. Your role matters. No debate.

Your divorce gave you something. Find the gift to move forward.