
August, 2024 – Men are in CRISIS – Surviving and Thriving on the Other Side of Divorce

Entrepreneur, Among Other Things

July, 2024 – The Yin Yang of Divorce

The Proper Thieves Show is your podcast vault of abundant information, curated to fuel your journey towards excellence in all aspects of life. We’re here to gather and share valuable insights and practical wisdom that you can readily apply to elevate your personal and professional realms. Join us as we explore a wide array of topics, from self-improvement and strategic thinking to health, relationships, and more. With ‘The Proper Thieves Show,’ you’ll have the knowledge and tools you need to thrive and succeed in every sphere of your life.

Proper Thieves Podcast

July, 2024 – Growing From Divorce

In our discussion, Jeff emphasized the transformative power of emotional work and reframing stories. He highlighted how his own divorce experience propelled him into coaching, where he helps others move from living in their heads to embracing their heart-centered truth.

Ju$t Figure It Out

May, 2024 – Life 2.0: Rebuilding After Divorce, Remaking A Better Life

Men are supposed to be tough. But even the toughest can suffer post-divorce.

As a divorcee, Jeff Kolez knows first-hand how difficult rebuilding a life can be.

So, in this episode, he shares his experience, practical tools, and insights to help you navigate the path to emotional recovery and growth.

Hello Human Podcast

April, 2024 – A conversation between Jeff of Divorce Daddy and Craig Walker on using divorce as fuel to build a great life

Topics Covered:

  • The emotional toll of divorce
  • Recognizing the war within oneself
  • Understanding the role of shame and toxicity in relationships
  • Embracing self-awareness and making difficult decisions
  • Discovering the importance of joy and authenticity in life
  • Learning to process emotions and find meaning in challenging experiences
  • Cultivating emotional safety and accountability in relationships
  • Reflecting on the journey of personal growth and transformation
  • Life’s challenges as opportunities for growth